Please read all Terms and Conditions prior to purchasing.
Once a tracking number is generated, consider the item shipped and your order cannot be cancelled. Customers that refuse items will lose their entire purchase, as the items are not returned to us.
Signature may be required, plan accordingly
Customers that attempt a 'return to sender' approach for returns will be charged the full retail rate for shipping both ways plus a $50 admin fee OR loose out on their entire purchase.
Any damages, missing items must be reported via confirmed email within 24hrs of receiving the item.
We are NOT responsible for customers that receive a door tag and do not pickup their items OR multiple attempts are made without action.
Returns are accepted within 30 days and only with an RMA. A 15% restocking fee applies to ALL returns. This covers our initial shipping cost, etc
ANY returns shipped back other than USPS ( postal service ) will result in a MINIMUM of $50 deducted.
No refunds on shipping charges.
Any charges billed to us from any carrier will be deducted from refunds.
Return shipping charges are not covered by us. We do not issue return labels.
Used / damaged / painted / modified items will not be accepted as returns. Catalytic converters that are used, melted, discolored ( ran until red-hot ), or broken will not be accepted as returns and are not covered under warranty.
Any returns shipped past 30days will have min 50% restocking applied
All shipping times listed are an estimate only, not a guarantee. We do our very best to ship ASAP.
If you need an item by a specific date please contact us via email prior to purchasing the item.
We are not responsible for shipping delays due to carrier's schedules, Customs inspections, weather, etc.
Customer Responsibility
Please ensure to read the entire product description, not just the part title. Our team spends hundreds of hours on each individual listing that ensures each item works for the applications listed.
Do not assume that if we list an item for 2006 and 2007 models that it will work on 2008, this is usually not the case.
We do not cover labor costs to install, remove, or modify items. If an item does not fit your vehicle we accept returns, do NOT modify the item.
Return shipping charges can be very expensive. We will gladly exchange items purchased incorrectly, however you are responsible for the shipping cost for the exchanged item.
No warranty on catalytic converters unless proof that primary oxygen sensor was replaced at the same time as the catalytic converter.
ALL engine diagnostic codes must be provided when claiming warranty.
Warranties only apply to the original purchaser of the part and to the application ( vehicle ) for which it was listed in our catalog.
Terms listed apply for parts used on private passenger vehicles only; commercial, fleet, or off-road vehicles may be more limited.
Warranties offer only replacement of the defective part with another part; no refunds and no reimbursements of labor costs, shipping costs, or other expenses.
Replacement under warranty does not extend the term of the warranty, the warranties begin upon delivery.
An administrative charge may be applied to units replaced under warranty
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